Huntington School Case Study - Sitemark Ltd
Case study - Huntington School


Evidence based cleaning system inspires school to improve their learning environment


To engage with the cleaning staff, raise morale through systems changes, provide encouragement, and increase cleaning standards.


The Sitemark system was the perfect fit. Stage 1 Review: gave an overview of the situation and strategies for change. Stage 2 Implement: gave the school flexible choices to be supported to make the necessary changes.


A detailed productivity analysis evidenced the levels of staff required to support budgets.
The specification was updated to capture all cleaning requirements and provide key performance indicators (KPIs) as a measurable metric.
Supervisors were supported in skill development and trained to cascade this information to their cleaning operatives.
Development of a tablet-based audit provided a consistent method of measuring the standards against the KPIs.
Improvements in cleaning standards have been achieved giving pupils and staff a healthier learning environment and increased morale and successes.
"From start to finish Sitemark made the implementation of some substantial changes a simple and positive process"
Jonathan Meehan– Finance Director

ABOUT Huntington School

Huntington School is located in the City of York and provides secondary education for approximately 1500 pupils. Opened in 1966, the buildings are a mixture of the typical secondary modern of that era, with some new additions. As member of the Research Schools Network, a collaboration that supports the use of evidence to improve teaching practices, the schools core intention is to inspire confident learners who will thrive in a changing world.
For further information please contact us on:
T: 01684 580680