Best practice model funds London Living Wage - i-Clean Systems
Best practice model funds London Living Wage
Recent work with the Museum of London Procurement and Visitor Services Team has resulted in a new cleaning contract developed to deliver significant efficiency improvements, through the adoption of best practice procedures.
In the face of a challenging cash-strapped economy, the Museum of London recognises not only the importance of maintaining the quality of its cleaning service, but also that those providing the service should receive adequate remuneration in line with the ‘London Living Wage’ rate specified by Greater London Authority.
Specifically, there is a requirement to understand how best to deliver overall efficiency savings of 20%. i-Clean will establish if and where productivity gains can be achieved, offsetting them in order to help secure the enhanced pay rates for staff required. Consideration will be given to introducing further management support and to ensure that short-term financial gains do not result in longer term delivery issues.
“Working with i-Clean to introduce efficient service delivery through our new cleaning contract will be good for the Museum, the staff and the contracting partner that wins the tender. We are working with i-Clean to identify where we can cut costs but still ensure the highest standards,” said Graham Stratfold, the Museum of London’s Head of Visitor Services.
To download the full Museum Case Study please click here