Let's dwell a moment… on dwell times - Sitemark Ltd
Let's dwell a moment...on dwell times
What even is a dwell time? Why is it important? What action should I take?
All cleaning chemicals have an active ingredient. Dwell time, otherwise known as contact time, is the time it takes from applying a cleaning chemical, for the active ingredient to become...well...active. Or, more specifically, we should say for the active ingredient to fully take effect.
Dwell times vary greatly depending on chemical type, manufacturer, concentration or target organism (germ or fungi etc.)
Quick fact check
  • Times can range from a few seconds to up to 5 minutes or more; always check the label or manufacturers data sheet
  • Proper training for cleaning operatives is imperative
  • Leaving it longer is not always better, chemicals can cause fabric damage if surface contact times are exceeded
  • Always pick the correct chemical type for the job you want to do
Whatever your cleaning product - soap, surfactant or sanitiser - to be fully effective in removing the dirt you can see and the germs you can't, it must be left for the stated length of time.
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